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PM and Vic Libs thank each other
VICTORIAN Liberals have congratulated Prime Minister John Howard on his tough stance on illegal immigrants at the party's state conference in Melbourne.

Mr Howard returned the compliment, paying tribute to Victorian Liberals for their support in the lead-up to his third term election victory last year.
In a wide ranging and often sentimental speech to party delegates, Mr Howard said he had always believed he would win the poll.
But he thanked Victorian Liberals for their support when many had written the government off.
"Thank you for your loyalty, your fidelity and your support over the last six years, but most particularly over the last 12 months," he said.
"It was a famous and wonderful victory, and it's a victory that Liberals are entitled to feel proud of all around Australia."
Mr Howard said his Government's economic performance in a difficult world environment had contributed to the election victory, as had its stance on border protection.
Delegates agreed, carrying a motion congratulating Mr Howard and Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock for their "magnificent" handling of the Tampa crisis.
The motion also called for a referendum on dealing with the asylum seeker problem more forcibly.
Meanwhile, Mr Howard criticised Victorian Labor Premier Steve Bracks, saying he had presided over a decline in the state's competitive position, particularly as a result of its industrial relations policies.
"As residents of the state of Victoria you have a right to be concerned about the fact that your state's competitive economic position ... is nowhere near as strong as it was under the Kennett government," he said.
A Victorian government spokeswoman later defended the Bracks government's economic performance, saying recent ABS statistics showed days lost to industrial action in the state had dropped by 44 per cent over the past two years.
The Liberal Party state council continues tomorrow.