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PM tries to heal Indon rift
The Age
Wednesday 6 February 2002
Australia backed the territorial integrity of Indonesia and it was untrue for an Indonesian politician to claim Australia supported separatist movements, Prime Minister John Howard said today.
Mr Howard issued a statement saying the claims attributed to National Assembly Speaker Amien Rais, who plans to snub Mr Howard during his visit to Jakarta this week, were untrue.
He said Australia had never accused the Indonesian government of being responsible for the illegal trafficking of people.
"The Australian government unequivocally supports the territorial integrity of Indonesian," Mr Howard said in the statement.
"It is categorically untrue that we are supporting the independence of Papua."
Mr Howard was scheduled to arrive in Jakarta today for a threeday visit aimed at improving ties following last year's spat with President Megawati Sukarnoputri over illegal immigrants.
Mr Rais said yesterday he would boycott a meeting with Mr Howard, claiming Australia meddled too much in Indonesia's domestic affairs and supported separatist movements.
"I will refuse to meet with Howard because there are too many problems between Australia and Indonesia," he said.
"For example the boat people. We've been accused of smuggling them to Australia."
The row has threatened to overshadow Mr Howard's meeting with President Megawati.
Mr Howard said he was disappointed with Mr Rais' decision not to meet with him.
"The appointment with the Speaker had been scheduled for some time, and had been proposed by the Indonesian government as part of the standard format for official visits," Mr Howard said.
"In fact, when he indicated his unavailability ... he gave as the reason his preoccupation with the current flood situation."
