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Refugee crisis to cloud US visit
The Canberra Times
NEW YORK, Monday: Australia's refugee crisis was an embarrassment that threatened to cloud Prime Minister John Howard's visit to the United States, The New York Times said yesterday.

Mr Howard will address the World Economic Forum in New York during his visit starting today, and discuss investment opportunities with the new Mayor, Michael Bloomberg.

However, a news story in The New York Times tipped that "an embarrassing problem at home over the treatment of illegal immigrants" would complicate Mr Howard's plan to focus on trade and the economy.

Under the headline "Refugee Issue Clouds Visit By Australian'', the newspaper said Mr Howard was unmoved by the asylum-seekers sewing their lips shut, drinking disinfectant and going on hunger strikes.

"For the past two weeks, scores of the 200 Afghan detainees at Woomera have been mutilating themselves and publicising it through the news media."

The newspaper suggested that while public support for the asylum-seekers was in the minority, it had been bolstered by the resignation of the Government's principal independent immigration adviser, Neville Roach.

New York-based Australian writer Peter Carey was quoted as an opponent of the mandatory detention of refugees.

"A real Australian is by my definition an immigrant. Our ancestors had no idea where they were, and it seems to me that they have much in common with the frightened people in Woomera," Carey said.

Mr Howard will also tour ground zero and inspect the ruins of the World Trade Centre towers.
