Hospital Admission

-----Original Message-----

From: Robert & Dianne []

Sent: Wednesday, 23 January 2002 10:29 PM

To: The Hon Danna Vale Member for Hughes

Subject: Hospital Admission

Ms Dana Vale

Minister for Veterans Affairs


I was shocked and disgusted when I found out about the case of a veteran, an Australian Peacekeeper & Peacemaker, with PTSD (Psychologically discharged) being refused medical treatment and admission to hospital until promises that the story would be passed to the media.

The veteran was finally admitted to Albert Road Clinic after contacting the clinic, AR&MC (who never got back to the welfare officers), DVA. The frustrated welfare officers finally contact a Lieutenant Colonel in Defence Central Melbourne and after pressing the case to the extent of promising that the story would be passed to the media, this young man was finally admitted at 1500 hrs, 11 January 2002. The earliest exact date/time I have of action being taken by the welfare officers is 2345 hrs 8 January 2002, but I know that the action to admit this veteran, of Somalia in 1993, started much earlier.

No matter what the circumstances the veteran was in need of psychiatric help and the system turned its back on him.

This is not an isolated incident. When is the instance going to occur when a life is lost because of this uncaring attitude. It has happened in the past and it will happen again.

In the words of a welfare officer

"That is, the DVA "After Hours Crisis Care" System is not working. AR&MC refused to have the lad back again and it took threatening political/media measures to have Craig admitted to the Albert Road Clinic."

What action are you going to take Minister to

a. investigate this particular incident, and

b. to ensure that it never happens again?


Robert (Bob) May

Vietnam Veteran 67/68 70/71



Mobile Phone: 0418820641

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PO Box 363

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'Enjoy today, it was paid for by a veteran'

'43%er and proud of it - not happy with it - but proud of it')

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----- Original Message ----- From: Vale, Danna (MP)

To: 'Robert & Dianne'

Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 12:34 PM

Subject: RE: Hospital Admission

Dear Robert and Dianne

On behalf of Mrs Vale, thank you for your email of 23rd January 2002.

Your message has been directed to Mrs Vale’s Ministerial office in Canberra for attention and reply.

Kind regards

Susan Nicholls

Electorate Officer