Kim Beazley's Plan For Veterans

Below is some extracts from Labors Policy just received in. I will attempt to put a file up with the whole policy later.

Kim Beazley's Plan For Veterans

It is important that we Australians ensure that the service and sacrifice of our veterans is remembered and recognized. Labor will honour the promises made by previous governments to support and recognize our veterans and the contribution made by their partners and families through a system of commemoration, compensation, health care, aged care and housing assistance.<o:p></o:p>


The Howard Government has failed to address the major concern in the veteran community; that veterans without qualifying service have their DVA pension assessed as income when applying for a Social Security Benefit. Since 1996, the Howard Government has continually promised the veteran community that this issue was their highest priority and yet have totally failed to deliver. This assets test affects those ex-service personnel most in need of the assistance. The Howard Government has ignored their policy commitment and on several occasions has refused to accept amendments moved by the Labor Party in Parliament, to correct this injustice.<o:p></o:p>

The Special Rate or T&PI has been of considerable concern for many veterans and yet the Government has completely failed to address the problem. The Howard Government's lack of action has caused friction within the ex-service community. This Government has failed to acknowledge the fact that there are many T&PI Veterans with a less than adequate standard of living. The Howard Government have no vision and no solution for this group of veterans who have rallied and lobbied and discussed their concerns for well over three years.

Kim Beazley's Plan for Veterans

Labor proposes a set of principles to deal with Veterans Affairs on a more holistic level than the present Government. During the last three years Labor has consulted widely with the veteran community to ensure that our proposals are effective and well targeted. We aim to encompass a range of initiatives and ideas, which will improve the overall living standards and lifestyle of our veterans.<o:p></o:p>


Labor is committed to retaining a separate administrative entity for all veteran benefits and entitlements. It is important that the needs of veterans, their partners and families continue to be dealt with by the Department of Veterans' Affairs. The maintenance of a separate Department of Veterans' Affairs within the Defence Portfolio is Labor policy. It will be a priority to improve the advisory services of the Department to ensure veterans and their families understand what benefits they are eligible to receive.


Labor will extend the Gold Card to all Australian Veterans with qualifying service who are over 70 years old, regardless of where and when they served

This means that all veterans from all areas with qualifying service will now be eligible for the Gold Card, on reaching 70. This means that, for example, Korean, Vietnam, Malayan Emergency and Indonesian Confrontation Veterans will now be eligible for this benefit. By this initiative, the current discriminatory policy restricting the Gold Card to eligible veterans of World War I and II will be removed

It is Labor's belief that those who put their lives at risk to fight for this nation should have free access to optimum health care.


Labor will conduct a two part independent review.

The first aspect will be a review of the T&PI and the EDA (Extreme Disablement Adjustment) pensions.

During the last three years, it has become increasingly obvious that the rate of both the T&PI and EDA compensation pensions are of concern in the veteran community.

Labor's Independent Review will include representatives from the veteran community and will seek submissions, hold public hearings and the report will be tabled in Parliament. Labor believes that an Independent Review is the most appropriate way to investigate the concerns of veterans and to reach a solution acceptable to the entire veteran community

The Independent Review will address, among other issues

· Disability Pensions being counted as income for Social Security. This is an anomaly that affects T&PI veterans in large numbers and especially younger T&PI veterans with dependants

· The form of indexation

· An appropriate level for the rate of the T&PI and the EDA; and

· The possibility of a supplementary payment to help those T&PI and EDA veterans most in need of assistance

The second aspect of the Independent Review will consider issues relating to qualifying service for particular groups of Veterans including some World War II Veterans without qualifying service, Veterans of the British Occupational Force of Japan, participants of British atomic testing in Australia and servicemen engaged in counter terrorist and special recovery training


SAS veterans and their representative organisations argue that the extremely dangerous and hazardous training that SAS members undertake and its effects are unique.

Recognising the pressures on SA members and Veterans, Labor will establish an inquiry into the health, needs and circumstances of former members of the SAS, in particular those who served with the CTSR teams, to identify the long-term effects of that service


Labor supported the announcement of a National Service Medal earlier this year.

However, Labor wants to ensure that the introduction of this medal does not compromise or conflict with any other medal or award. Labor is aware that the introduction of this medal has caused some concern in parts of the veteran community. Therefore, Labor would consider all submissions regarding a Defence Service Medal designed to recognize those who volunteered or were permanent members of the Defence Forces.