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Libs fundraiser tips bucket on Heffernan
By Michelle Grattan, Chief Political Correspondent
March 22 2002
The disgraced Liberal senator Bill Heffernan has been told that many company donors to the party want him to quit the Senate.
The chairman of the Liberals' Millennium Forum, Michael Yabsley, says in a blistering letter that he has received calls from many corporate sponsors and donors about the senator's behaviour.
"There is an overwhelming view that you should resign from the Senate," says the letter, sent yesterday.
However, the letter drew a angry reaction last night from the NSW party, with the state director, Scott Morrison, saying it had not been authorised by the party, of which the forum was a part, or by other forum members.
Mr Yabsley wrote that Senator Heffernan's allegation against Justice Michael Kirby "is one of dozens of reckless and malicious allegations you have made since your election in 1996".
"In making such allegations you have ruthlessly exploited your proximity to high office and used this as a shield to protect yourself. Your obscene preoccupation with the private lives of others - your colleagues, their staff, business leaders, party members and many others - says far more about you than it does about them."
Mr Yabsley says Senator Heffernan's record in parliamentary and party debate "speaks for itself", adding: "Your contribution beyond personal slurs and attacks has been negligible. You have turned malice and innuendo into an art form."
The Millennium Forum, launched in 1999, has raised $5 million to $6 million for the Liberals. The Prime Minister, John Howard, heads a list of political speakers at fundraising functions.
The NSW Liberal Party will be especially anxious to keep corporate donors on side as it approaches next year's state election.
The Heffernan affair will be hanging over this weekend's Liberal state council. The former federal Liberal director Andrew Robb is standing for the top post of finance director, an appointment made by the executive.
There is pressure in the NSW party for Senator Heffernan, a former state president, to be replaced as the Prime Minister's nominee on the executive. Mr Howard, who dismissed him this week as parliamentary secretary, has made no comment on this.
Mr Yabsley's letter, which was copied to Mr Howard, the NSW president, Chris McDiven, and to Mr Morrison, says: "There is an old saying, 'What goes around comes around', and your demise is evidence of that. The only surprise is that this did not happen long ago in view of the extent of unfounded allegations you have made over many years."
Mr Yabsley said last night that a number of corporate representatives had likened the situation to a corporate governance requirement. "If they had been affected as a company director by a situation as serious, they wouldn't expect to have a feather to fly with.
"They bring a corporate overlay on a political situation - and I think it is a reasonable comparison."
Mr Morrison said the letter was a "personal view of Michael's"and that his use of the Millennium Forum letterhead was "inappropriate". The party had had no cancellations from the corporate sector for a dinner tomorrow night, which would be attended by corporate representatives as well as party members.
Liberal party sources said that Mr Yabsley and Senator Heffernan had "a history" of differences.
Asked in London about the naming in Parliament of his former driver as the source of the fake Comcar document that Senator Heffernan used, Mr Howard said the man had been a very good driver but had not been in that job since September 1999. "Beyond that, I know nothing about those other matters, and I don't intend to comment on them."
Sydney Morning Herald