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Inquiry into Nat MPs burn-off
By SIMON BENSON Environment Reporter
The Daily Telegraph
THE Rural Fire Service revealed yesterday it is investigating a fire which MP Andrew Fraser has admitted began when a burn-off on his property escaped into a state forest.

RFS Commissioner Phil Koperberg told The Daily Telegraph he had started an inquiry into whether any breaches of the Rural Fires Act had occurred.
"I need to make some more inquiries to see if there have been serious breaches of the legislation," Mr Koperberg said.
"And once I have made those inquiries we will be considering what action the community would expect us to take."
Mr Fraser, who accused the Government of negligence over fire management, admitted that a fire he started legally on his Coffs Harbour property in August last year to burn off some paddock, escaped into a state forest and got out of control.
He admitted to being "careless".
But yesterday Mr Fraser denied he had left the fire unattended to get coffee, before 25 volunteer firefighters were called to put it out.
Mr Koperberg, who has been the subject of criticism by the National Party MP, said he had a duty to investigate the incident.
"Some of the hitherto unanswered questions need answering such as prescribed notifications to state forests, council and the neighbours.
"If [anyone else] had been reported as having done this I would have an obligation to do the same.
"Had that acreage that was burnt been residential properties rather than gum trees, homes may not have been able to be saved."
Mr Fraser said yesterday he was now the victim of a political attack. "I have been critical of the Government and this is another attack on me," Mr Fraser said.
"It's a bit sad he decided to take retrospective action . . . people will see it as politically motivated."
Mr Fraser stood by what he claimed was a desperate need for the overhaul of existing hazard reduction regimes.
"The hazard reduction that hasn't been done was a major contributor to fires," he said.
He has prepared a plan which would introduce fire towers to national parks, annual hazard reduction on public land adjoining property and feral animal reduction programs.
Environment Minister Bob Debus yesterday said he was "disgusted" by the incident.
"The way in which he abusively blames everybody including competent and hard-working public servants is not a pleasant thing," Mr Debus said.
